ENGLISH CLUB of SMAN 5 BEKASI Proudly Presents THE 8th ANNUAL ENGLISH CONTEST 2015 " THREATENED TREASURE : Losing Animals Threats Earth's Future Let's improve your English ability by joining our competitions Junior High School Competitions: 1. Speech Contest CP: Nazifah Hanun ; 081295429026 2. Spelling Bee CP: Nadya Puspa ; 087882103169 3. Story Telling CP: Agnita Ratnasari ; 081282078286 DOWNLOAD FORM JHS NOTE : DOWNLOAD AS .PDF Senior High School Competitions: 1. English Poster CP: Putu Ghita ; 088801338563 2. News Casting CP: Titania Virginia ; 081310524894 3. Speech Contest CP: Salsabilla Audy ; 089652173038 DOWNLOAD FORM SHS NOTE : DOWNLOAD AS .PDF GENERAL RULES CLICK HERE EACH'S COMPETITION RULES CLICK HERE The competitions will be held on: April 18th 2015 7AM-3PM WIB SMAN 5 BEKASI http://4sq.com/bLeV66 The Technical Meeting will be held on: April 11th 2015 9AM-11AM WIB SMAN 5 BEKASI...