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Showing posts from 2010


     Leader, a leader must have a responsibility against to organization that he lead. Because decision will effect to many people, at least to people that he leads. He also must think about negative effect from his decision. If a Leader failed in making decision, it will take effect to the people that he lead. Actually, if The Leader failed in making decision, a Leader must have a solution to finish the problem.      Leader must listen to aspiration of his members. should not be an authoritarian, because it may be the people his hate can build the organization. Professional, have responsibility, can see the ability of his member that still buried. Remember, an organization can move forward if the organization assisted by other organization. So, The Leader should be able to communicate. If these helps, please leave a comment! quoted from: Hana Maulida

Janji EC

Janji EC: Kami anggota english club SMAN 5 Bekasi berjanji: Bertaqwa kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa. Senantiasa menjunjung nama baik sekolah dan EC. Menghormati pembina, kakak pembimbing dan sesama anggota ekskul. Selalu mematuhi peraturan English Club yang telah ditetapkan. Berusaha untuk selalu aktif & kreatif dalam setiap anggota.