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Showing posts from 2015


Now, the English club has changed, its generation for the period 2015-2016.  We will continue what already exists in the english club and will makethe better English Club than before. During regeneration, we learned a lot about leadership discipline teamwork communication and how to build a better organization. We will provide the best for the English club in the future.

PPCP 2015/2016

BARANG - BARANG YANG HARUS DI BAWA Baju merah (boleh polos / tidak) Celana training bebas (diutamakan gelap) Slyer merah Air minum merk vit 1,5 L Roti sobek (bebas rasa apa saja) Good Time Susu Ultra (bebas rasa apa saja) Buku tulis ukuran 'campus' disampul merah Name tag Label air minum English Club 1 pulpen merah (merk bebas) 1 pulpen hitam (merk bebas) Plastik merah NAME TAG Depan Belakang Catatan! 1. Talikur 2 merah dan 1 hitam dikepang. Panjang menyesuaikan 2. Foto 3R berwarna harus dengan binatang asli, tidak boleh diedit atau pun dengan boneka / patung. 3. Name tag sebaiknya dilaminating agar tidak rusak LABEL ENGLISH CLUB BUKU ENGLISH CLUB Halaman 1 = Sejarah English Club Halaman 2 = Arti Lambang English Club Halaman 3 = Struktur English Club 2014/2015 Halaman 4 = Janji English Club Halaman 5 = Tata Tertib English Club Halaman 6 = Yel - Yel English Club Halaman 7 = Visi...


Download registration form in   (download as .pdf) Fill the registration form Attach the registration form that already filled with your data, your student card, and your 3x4 photo via email to (you can scan it or insert the photo of it) You also can pay the registration fee by transfer to Bank Jawa Barat Banten KCP Pondok Gede 's account a/n Fauzia Mariana 000 44 836 50 100 Don't forget to include your payment receipt to our email The online registration will closed in April 13th,  2015


ENGLISH CLUB of SMAN 5 BEKASI Proudly Presents THE 8th ANNUAL ENGLISH CONTEST 2015 " THREATENED TREASURE : Losing Animals Threats Earth's Future Let's improve your English ability by joining our competitions Junior High School Competitions: 1. Speech Contest CP: Nazifah Hanun ; 081295429026 2. Spelling Bee CP: Nadya Puspa ; 087882103169 3. Story Telling CP: Agnita Ratnasari ; 081282078286 DOWNLOAD FORM JHS NOTE : DOWNLOAD AS .PDF Senior High School Competitions: 1. English Poster CP: Putu Ghita ; 088801338563 2. News Casting CP: Titania Virginia ; 081310524894 3. Speech Contest CP: Salsabilla Audy ; 089652173038 DOWNLOAD FORM SHS NOTE : DOWNLOAD AS .PDF GENERAL RULES CLICK HERE EACH'S COMPETITION RULES CLICK HERE The competitions will be held on: April 18th 2015 7AM-3PM WIB SMAN 5 BEKASI The Technical Meeting will be held on: April 11th 2015 9AM-11AM WIB SMAN 5 BEKASI...


This is part of the inaugural alma mater How to establish a good work team Together and fun!

GAMES ; game organized by division game

  GUESS THE WORD 1th 2nd 3rd