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🎉 OSIS AND ENGLISH CLUB SMAN 5 KOTA BEKASI PROUDLY PRESENTS 🎉 🐘 as part of FESTIFIVE 2018 🐘 The 11th Annual ENGLISH CONTEST 🔮💫 Felix Felicis : Fortune Favors The Bold 💫🔮 ✨Are you ready for a spellbinding adventure to seek your fortune and test your skill?✨ English Contest is back and it's unlike you've ever seen before. Do you think you got what it takes to be the ultimate young wizard, create your own luck, and take home the prizes? 📰 NEWSCAST 🎥 for Junior High School CP 👉🏻 Nabila Aprilia LINE 🆔 : nabilaapr24 📞 : 085811713423 🙋🏼 DEBATE 🙋🏼‍ for Senior High School CP 👉🏻 Redhita Isfin LINE 🆔 : dhitazhr 📞 : 085972711299 🗣 SPEECH 🗣 for Senior High School CP 👉🏻 Wina Wijayanti LINE 🆔 : winawij_ 📞 : 085883862241 📌 Technical Meeting : 🗓 Saturday, August 11th 2018 🕰 09.00 ー 11.00 WIB 🏫 SMA NEGERI 5 KOTA BEKASI 📌 This Event will be held on : 🗓 Saturday, August 25th 2018 🕰 07.00

PPCP 2015/2016

BARANG - BARANG YANG HARUS DI BAWA Baju merah (boleh polos / tidak) Celana training bebas (diutamakan gelap) Slyer merah Air minum merk vit 1,5 L Roti sobek (bebas rasa apa saja) Good Time Susu Ultra (bebas rasa apa saja) Buku tulis ukuran 'campus' disampul merah Name tag Label air minum English Club 1 pulpen merah (merk bebas) 1 pulpen hitam (merk bebas) Plastik merah NAME TAG Depan Belakang Catatan! 1. Talikur 2 merah dan 1 hitam dikepang. Panjang menyesuaikan 2. Foto 3R berwarna harus dengan binatang asli, tidak boleh diedit atau pun dengan boneka / patung. 3. Name tag sebaiknya dilaminating agar tidak rusak LABEL ENGLISH CLUB BUKU ENGLISH CLUB Halaman 1 = Sejarah English Club Halaman 2 = Arti Lambang English Club Halaman 3 = Struktur English Club 2014/2015 Halaman 4 = Janji English Club Halaman 5 = Tata Tertib English Club Halaman 6 = Yel - Yel English Club Halaman 7 = Visi


  🚀Good Day Everyone!🚀 Heads up! For all of you who wish to participate in ENGLISH CONTEST 2019, REGISTRATION WILL BE OPENED ONLINE AND OFFLINE ON JULY 1st 2019! 💡 We will be posting updates on our social media, keep your eyes pealed for that! 💡 Also for those of you who wish to know more about our competition, we have provided you with a GUIDE BOOK containing informations about our competition. 📚 GUIDE BOOK FOR ENGLISH CONTEST 2019 - BUZZ UP! 📚